We believe, the only way we can stand a chance against ever worsening impacts of climate change is to shape true resilient communities. Having access to reliable power and water in all conditions including before, during and after disasters, are the pillars of becoming resilient.
A true resilient community should have some capabilities to defend itself during disasters and be able to last for a reasonable time after disasters, without depending on outside world entirely. The ever-increasing speed and magnitude of disasters in past few years have proved that empowering local resources is the key to saving communities.
Sunact Disaster Resilience Unit (S-DRU) is a climate adaptable self-sufficient resiliency solution that can help communities achieve net-zero emissions, have access to reliable power and water independent from centralized utility systems, and provides support in all phases of EM: Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery.
S-DRU can provide free power and water for 15-20 years after the initial investment. If the option of selling back to the grid through net metering is selected, it could become a source of income for communities too.
The unique patented features of S-DRU and its diverse capabilities do not have a match in the disaster management market.
S-DRU is a Net Zero system that can increase the resiliency of communities against climate change. At the same time, by providing renewable alternatives, it helps to reduce emissions all year-round and avoids contributing further to one of the main causes of climate change.